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Blog & News

March 10, 2020

Date: March 10, 2020
Category: Fishing Report Fletcher's Fishing Feed

The fishing season on our nations river has officially begun. We may not be off to a fast start but at least it’s a start. With many warm days in the past month some, myself included, would think the run would be in full swing by now. However, even though water temperatures have hit the magic number of 50º we are seeing fewer fish than expected. The first hickory shad of the season were caught on March 7th with the first stripers being caught a couple days before that. Since then we have not seen much improvement. The lone shad or striped bass have bene caught at Fletcher’s since but we are yet to see major numbers, that could very well change as water temperatures stabilize in the next week. White perch and American Shad have yet to be caught but should make an appearance soon.

With little to zero snowmelt runoff this spring the Potomac is running below half it’s normal volume. Although the clear water and lazy flow make the Potomac beautiful this time of year it does fisherman no favors. Anadromous fish such as shad and striped bass depend on current and usually the first increased flow of the season will bring up large numbers of both species. With little rain in the forecast and an already low river we could be in store for a strange season.

Fletcher’s will be opening on March 21st, assuming the weather and river continue to cooperate. Rowboat rental rates this year will be $35 per half day and $55 per full day. Season passes available as well. Kayak and canoe rentals will not start until some time in April.