Buy 2025 Season Pass

Key Bridge Boathouse Camp

Pricing & Schedule

Camp will be from June 16, 2025 – August 15, 2025 Monday to Friday (No camp the week of July 4th). Prices will vary depending on registration time, but in general, with no discounts camp will cost $572.

Discounts can be stacked together with a maximum of 20% off ($457.60).

  • Register in January = $486.20 (15% off)
  • Register in February = $514.80 (10% off)
  • Register in March = $543.40 (5% off)
  • Season Pass Holders get an additional 10% off = $514.80 (10% off)
  • Bring a Friend / Multiple Weeks Discount = $543.80 (5% off)

Weekly Schedule

You decide which weeks work best for you and how many.

Week 1: June 16-20 (Theme A)
Week 2: June 23-27 (Theme B)
Week 3: July 7-11 (Theme A)
Week 4: July 14-18 (Theme B)
Week 5: July 21-25 (Theme A)
Week 6: July 28-August 1 (Theme B)
Week 7: August 4-8 (Theme A)
Week 8: August 11-15 (Theme B)

Fun Weekly Themes

Theme A –

Monday – Monster Monday
Get spooky for a day full of river ghouls and goblins! On this day, campers will learn all about the haunting history of Key Bridge Boathouse and the Potomac River.

Tuesday – Tie-Dye Tuesday
Show all your colors at Key Bridge Boathouse! With a day full of boating and arts & crafts, campers will unleash their inner artist.

Wednesday – Wild West Wednesday
Saddle up on some kayaks for water duals and cowboy hats! Cowgirls and boys will explore the Potomac and nearby nature while identifying critters.

Thursday – Throwback Thursday
What year is it? Turn back the clock and dress from any past decade! Key Bridge hasn’t seen some of these trends in a very long time.

Friday – Farm Friday
Put on some overalls and discover what’s growing down at Key Bridge Boathouse! Campers will grow a green thumb on the bank of the Potomac.

Theme B –

Monday – Marvel Monday
It’s a bird… It’s a plane… It’s a marvel superhero! Campers will discover their superpowers on the water in kayaks, canoes, and paddle boards.

Tuesday – Treasure Tuesday
Set sail for high-seas adventures as pirates on the hunt for treasure! Paddling on kayaks, campers will use maps where X marks the spot of hidden treasure.

Wednesday – Witches and Wizards Wednesday
Learn spells and potions at Key Bridge Boathouse! Campers will make wands and dual in kayaks and canoes.

Thursday – The Red-Carpet Thursday
Celebrities from far and wide come to Key Bridge Boathouse for a special day on the Red Carpet! Together, campers will sing songs of the summer, play water sports, and sign autographs for their fans.

Friday – Future Friday
What will be popular in 2050? Campers will predict the future, build a boating robot, and make time capsules.

2024 Camp Photo Gallery