Buy 2025 Season Pass
Compete in the 1st Annual Stumpy’s Petals & Paddles Race!

Prepare for glory on Thursday, March 20 from 4-7pm at a tandem paddling race in the Tidal Basin during the start of the National Cherry Blossom Festival!

Dock where the Potomac and Anacostia come together

James Creek Marina is located at the confluence of the Potomac, the Anacostia, and the Washington Channel directly east of Fort McNair. There are 297 wet slips that can accommodate vessels from 16 to 160+ feet. The docks are wooden floating structures with finger piers. Entrance to each dock is limited to James Creek Marina guests and visitors. James Creek has a winter de-icing system in place to keep the marina water in motion so that ice does not form during the colder months. The marina has a gas station with 89-octane unleaded, diesel, two-cycle oil and a pump out.

More Information


  • 297 slips 18-87′
  • dockage 100’+
  • 30A-125V and 50A-250V shore power
  • 100A single phase electrical main panels
  • Fuel dock (gas, diesel, oil, pump out)
  • Fresh water at the slip
  • Friendly and courteous staff
  • Short no wake zone (5 minutes in or out)
  • Easy access to public transportation
  • Floating docks
  • Clean restrooms w/ showers
  • Gated entryways
  • Ample parking
  • Picnic area
  • Volleyball court
  • 24-hour access
  • Winter de-icing system
  • Extended staff hours

James Creek is a non-liveaboard marina.

Slip Rates

James Creek Marina 2024 Slip Rates

Annual (12 Months):
  • $13.75 per foot per month based on size of slip or LOA of vessel, whichever is greater.
  • 2 Payments: Due January 1st (50%); June 1st (remaining 50%)

20 Foot Slip: $3,372
22 Foot Slip: $3,702
26 Foot Slip: $4,362
30 Foot Slip: $5,022
32 Foot Slip: $5,352
36 Foot Slip: $6,012
40 Foot Slip: $6,672
44 Foot Slip: $7,332

Seasonal (April – October):
  • $16.50 per foot per month based on size of slip or LOA of vessel, whichever is greater.
  • 1 Payment

20 Foot Slip: $2,352
22 Foot Slip: $2,583
26 Foot Slip: $3,045
30 Foot Slip: $3,507
32 Foot Slip: $3,738
36 Foot Slip: $4,200
40 Foot Slip: $4,662
44 Foot Slip: $5,124

*James Creek is a non-liveaboard marina
**Airbnb’s are strictly prohibited and will result in immediate termination of license
agreement and forfeiture of slip fees
***Price Includes $6 amenity fee per month

Utility Charges:

Based on LOA of vessel, per connections, are as follows:

  • Up to 21 ft. $15.00 per month
  • 22-29 ft $30.00 per month
  • 30-34 ft. $50.00 per month
  • 35-39 ft $65.00 per month
  • 40-45 ft $85.00 per month
  • 46+ ft $125.00 per month

Optional: Dock Box (marina provided only) $15.00 per month

Transient fees:
  • $2.00 per foot per night
  • Utility charges are $3.00** per day for 30-amp service
  • Utility Charges are $5.00** per day for 50-amp service
  • Utility Charges are $10.00** per day for 100-amp service

Non-refundable, applied to 1st night upon arrival** Per Connection

Please direct any questions or concerns to the Marina Manager at 202-554-8844.

Transient Reservation Form


Dock boxes (marina provided only) $15.00 per month

Fuel Dock

  • 89 octane gasoline w/ 10% ethanol
  • Ultra-low sulfur diesel
  • Bagged ice
  • Pump out service ($10). No charge for slip holders.
  • Service vessels 100′ plus
  • Sales of fuel, oil, and ice are not eligible for refund or return. Refunds on these types of items are not provided

The fuel dock hours are seasonal. Call for details.

Parking Information

These rates do not apply to James Creek Marina boaters.

  • Full Day: $20 per day. No multiple-day or advanced sales.
  • Special Events Parking: $75 per day.
Rules and Regulations
  • Parking Permits must be displayed at all times with complete date and time or permit # clearly visible.
  • Please obey all posted signs.
  • Overflow lot is available to monthly permit holders ONLY WHEN POSTED AS OPEN and at no other time. Daily Parking Permits are not valid in the overflow lot at any time and vehicles are subject to ticketing and towing.
  • James Creek Marina assumes no responsibility for fines, fees, or penalties levied by the US Park Police or for any loss through fire, theft, and/or collision or otherwise to the vehicle or its contents.

Permits are not replaceable or refundable. Staff will not issue temporary or substitute permits.

We open at 9:00am during the week and 9am on federal holidays. We apologize, but there are no advanced sales and permits are not replaceable for any reason. We suggest securing permit with clear tape if needed. In addition, all permits must be clearly displayed and completely visible from the outside of the vehicle. Monthly permits are valid only during the month displayed. We also recommend that old permits be removed.

Columbia Island Marina JAMES CREEK MARINA

CIM staff believes in exceeding your expectations.
Please let us know how we are doing.

Please rate each of the following evaluation factors on a scale of 5 (Extremely Satisfied) to 1 (Wholly Dissatisfied)

Evaluation Rating Definitions

5 Extremely Satisfied-Performance in this area exceeds what is normally expected and experienced; no shortcomings.
4 Very Satisfied-Completely fulfills all expectations and requirements; no significant shortcomings.
3 Satisfied-Meets all the requirements and conforms to minimal expected industry standards.
2 Dissatisfied-Allthough. some areas of performance are acceptable, there are significant shortcomings.
1 Wholly Dissatisfied-Performance fails to meet even minimal levels of acceptability.

Slip Holder Request Form

James Creek Marina Slip Holder Request Form